6 ultimate fertility hacks from fertility expert Dr Alexander JustÂ
oday we're talking about the desire to have children, and who better to answer our questions than fertility expert Dr Alexander Just? Today he gives you 6 hacks for your fertility journey.
What could be the reasons for not getting pregnant?
There can be many reasons why a pregnancy doesn't work out straight away. The woman may even notice some reasons herself, for example if she suffers from severe pain around ovulation or during her period. This could possibly be a sign of endometriosis, which is why it is important to have this clarified in such a case.
If women have very irregular cycles, for example, this could also be a sign of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). A PCOS diagnosis is not particularly easy, but the first step is to have a hormone status test carried out.
In this day and age, in which self-determination and emancipation play a major role, it is also the case that many women consciously decide to become pregnant later. These are of course welcome developments, but it should not be forgotten that a woman's fertility increases with age. Let's put it this way, the female egg unfortunately doesn't care about self-determination and emancipation, it ages anyway, it always has.
Can you go into a little more detail? And can you briefly tell us how your "JUST ONE STEP" programme can help women to preserve their fertility for as long as possible?
From a purely biological point of view, a woman will eventually run out of eggs and enter the menopause, but this can also lead to problems if a woman decides to get pregnant later for the good reasons I have just mentioned. The search for an ideal partner can of course also take time, and time is something that natural fertility only has a limited amount of. That's why early clarification of the Fertility hormone status, ultrasound cycle monitoring, determination of the AMH value, examination of the ovarian reserve and a thyroid check are extremely important, as such an examination can often find the reason why a pregnancy does not work out. And of course we must not forget the men of creation, who also play their part in the desire to have children/pregnancy. They should also have a spermiogram carried out at an early stage to make sure that everything is in order.
If women want to take a proactive approach to their fertility, I can offer them my programme "JUST ONE STEP" to the heart. "JUST ONE STEP" is the first step that women can take if they want to address the issue of reproductive health care. As part of this detailed examination and analysis, my holistic "JUST ONE STEP" concept analyses a woman's body and cellular health as well as her lifestyle and, based on this, we jointly derive age-adapted measures aimed at preserving natural fertility for as long as possible and thus increasing the possibility of a natural pregnancy.
How often do male sperm cells reproduce?
This is actually a very interesting question, as a completely new collective is formed every seventy days. In concrete terms, this means that if "man" has had a spermiogram that is not so good and then takes dietary supplements, for example, to improve his sperm quality, then you should not check within four weeks to see if anything has changed, but should ideally wait two and a half to three months to obtain a valid result.

Let's stay with this topic for a moment: how often should a couple have sex on the woman's fertile days in order to get pregnant?
Many couples make the mistake of starting to have sex every day as soon as they realise that the woman's fertile days are just around the corner. Assuming a couple now has sex every day for 4-5 days in a row (and I'm only talking about once a day), then the Sperm quality after these 4-5 days is already very bad. If ovulation is then really just around the corner, it may be that "man" has already "shot off" all his "good stuff" before then. Of course, sperm can survive in a woman's body for a certain amount of time, but this time is also limited, which is why my tip here is to only have sex every other day if you want to have children. This gives the testicles more time to produce new sperm cells.
Of course, the question of "how often" also depends on the initial quality of the sperm. If a man has a very high sperm quality, i.e. 90 or 100 million sperm cells per millilitre of ejaculate, he does not have to wait as long as a man who only has 40 million sperm cells per millilitre of ejaculate, for example.
Why should you rely on the femSense cycle tracker right at the start of your fertility journey?
A woman's heartfelt desire to get pregnant should work, of course, and to do this she needs to feel good about her body. In principle, most women also have a good body image, but developing this takes time and patience and these are not always a woman's strong points when she wants to have children. femSense can help as an "assistant" to develop this feeling more quickly, as you can get to know your cycle better with the smart ovulation tracker, know when your fertile days are, have your ovulation confirmed with the smart temperature patch, monitor your period and much more. The way femSense continuously measures temperature also makes it very accurate and, in my opinion, the best overall package on the market if a woman wants to get to know her body and cycle better and is planning to have children.
What is the biggest myth that women have in their heads when it comes to the Fertility Journey?
One of the biggest misconceptions is the influence of stress on fertility. Many women believe that stress has an insane impact and often subconsciously cause themselves even more unnecessary stress. I always tell my patients that if you were to define 50 factors that all have an influence on a woman's fertility, then the woman's age is the most important, followed by the egg reserve, which can be determined using the AMH value, sperm quality, whether the fallopian tubes are open, whether the thyroid and hormone status are correct and whether you have a regular cycle. Psychological stress, which we all have today, ranks somewhere between 42-45 on my scale. What I'm trying to say is that psychological stress also has an influence on fertility somewhere, but it will never be one of the first 15 factors. Then all you would have to do is work on your mental attitude and you would already be pregnant. Unfortunately, it's not that simple and a woman's fertility still depends on the quality of her eggs.
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