My moment of joy: 3 women tell us how they found out they were pregnant
Tears of joy
“Eines habe ich mir im Leben schon als kleines Mädchen gewünscht, nämlich eine eigene Familie. So beschlossen mein Mann und ich eines Tages die Verhütung an den fruchtbaren Tagen nicht mehr ganz so ernst zu nehmen. Überraschenderweise spürte ich schon kurze Zeit später, dass ich mir den Weg zur Drogerie vermutlich sparen kann. Denn ich hatte es bereits: das Gefühl, dass etwas anders ist. Vielmehr hoffte ich allerdings, dass dieses Gefühl auch bleibt. Denn je älter, desto schwieriger ist es schwanger zu werden bzw. zu bleiben, dessen war ich mir bewusst. Ich kannte so ziemlich alle Statistiken, die es dazu gibt. Deswegen beschloss ich für mich noch zu beobachten und abzuwarten. Den eigentlichen Juhu-Moment gab es daher erst später – ich glaube es war in der achten oder neunten Schwangerschaftswoche – als ich mit meinem Mann beim Arzt war und das Herz unseres Babys dort tatsächlich frisch und munter geschlagen hat. Dieser Moment war derart berührend und hat definitiv dazu beigetragen, dieses Gefühl, das ich schon länger hatte, ganz zulassen zu können, Freudentränen inklusive. Auch mein Mann hatte dann endlich seinen „Juhu“ oder vielleicht auch seinen ganz persönlichen „Juhu-…Hilfe“ -Moment 😉 “
Lena Wimmer, 34
Miami Baby
"I moved to America last August and got married in NYC the same month. My husband is American and we met 3 years ago during a semester abroad and didn't last very long in a long distance relationship as you can see ;)) actually I already knew inside that the pregnancy test would be positive but at the moment I was still surprised, overwhelmed, excited, nervous... a mix of emotions... it worked out so much faster than we expected. But we were so happy!!! We joked whether my husband should do the same test to make sure it was right. We both couldn't sit still and went for a walk on the beach (we were living in Miami Beach at the time) and I think we mentioned several times how unbelievable it was that we were really having a baby. I wanted to tell everyone straight away."
Samira Flores, 26
Storm of thoughts
The decision to have a child is already such an exciting and thought-provoking event. This is followed by a period of waiting and introspection. Am I already pregnant? I can still remember those 3-4 days when I felt so different and was sure that I was pregnant. However, we decided not to take an early pregnancy test, but to wait patiently for my period to stop or not. But it didn't materialise (at least that's what I thought) and we were disappointed. However, my "period" turned out to be a so-called implantation haemorrhage and after this false "period" was unusually over after a day and never came again, we took a pregnancy test - result: positive. This triggered a storm of feelings and thoughts in me that filled my heart and brain; I am carrying life! And the exciting adventure of pregnancy and the even more exciting adventure of parenthood began.
Anna B., 29
Your yay moment
3 women - 3 completely different stories. On average, another femSense user finds out that she is pregnant every 5 hours. How femSense can accompany you on your way to your very own personal moment of joy? It's simple: the combination of sensor patch and app determines the most fertile days for your individual cycle and also confirms whether and when you ovulated. Simply Order patcheswhich femSense App and register. The app will then guide you step by step. It informs you when it's time to attach the first patch, reminds you to read it with your mobile phone and tells you when the best time to get pregnant is.
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