We have brought the temperature method into the 21st century - so you can have safe and worry-free contraception without any hormones.
Hormone-free contraception made easy
Approved, tested medical device
No interference with your body
Without side effects

How does femSense work and how can you use it for reliable contraception?

Continuous temperature measurement
The femSense Patch measures your body temperature around the clock for up to 7 days per cycle. The app then tells you when your fertility is at its highest and subsequently confirms your ovulation.

Certified contraceptive
femSense predicts your fertile days based on your cycle data and confirms your ovulation through the rise in your body temperature. On the days around your ovulation, the app signals to you that you are currently very fertile and should use additional contraception.

With femSense, you don't need to worry about application errors
Our patch stores your temperature data continuously. You only read it twice a day with your smartphone and the rest is done by our free femSense app.
You don't have to worry about anything and always have an overview of your fertile and infertile days.

femSense compared to other contraceptives
according to Pearl Index
With a Pearl Index of 0.8-3, the basal body temperature method is the second safest hormone-free contraceptive method

- Sources of the figures: Guidelines of the German Society for Gynaecology and Obstetrics July 2004, pro familia
- https://www.gesundheit.gv.at/lexikon/P/pearl-index.html
- https://www.fernarzt.com/arzneimittel/verhuetungsmittel/pearl-index/
femSense compared to other contraceptives
according to Pearl Index
With a Pearl Index of 0.8-3, the basal body temperature method is the second safest hormone-free contraceptive method

- Sources of the figures: Guidelines of the German Society for Gynaecology and Obstetrics July 2004, pro familia
- https://www.gesundheit.gv.at/lexikon/P/pearl-index.html
- https://www.fernarzt.com/arzneimittel/verhuetungsmittel/pearl-index/
Why hormone-free contraception?
You get to know yourself and your cycle better
No unpleasant side effects
No increased risk of thrombosis, embolism or breast cancer
Pregnancy is easier later on
What our experts say

"Natural, simple, practical and non-hormonal contraception - simply sensational."
Dr Alexander Just
Talk to our doctors
If you are still unsure and would like to speak to a doctor before you make the final decision to use femSense as an ovulation tracker, you will find an extensive list of our partners here who will be happy to advise you.