
Want to get pregnant faster? Then avoid these 7 ultimate mistakes!


hen the "biological clock" is ticking really loudly, having a baby can't happen fast enough! In theory, it's all very simple. But there are one or two mistakes you should avoid in order to get pregnant faster.

Mistake 1: You don't know about your own cycle

Pregnancy can be an exciting, beautiful and very demanding time. But it is always one thing in any case: a small miracle. So that you can enjoy this wonderful episode of your life as soon as possible, you should know a few things about your body and yourself beforehand. And how to avoid the 7 most common mistakes to get pregnant faster.

femSense helps you get pregnant faster

A woman's cycle is a complex interplay of hormones and metabolic processes. And although almost every woman has a menstrual cycle, very few people really know about it. When does ovulation take place again? And can you get pregnant throughout your cycle? Even the most beautiful "little sheep" is useless if you don't know whether you are fertile at all! That's why you should start at the beginning of your fertility journey, track your cycle.

Simple menstrual calendars can give you a rough overview. However, in order to determine your fertile period (and the perfect time to get pregnant), you need to monitor your cycle more closely. For example with femSense, that continuously measures your body temperature and tells you when you can get pregnant.

Mistake 2: You have sex too often to get pregnant faster

The more often you have sex, the higher the "hit rate". It is often said that couples who want to have children should have sex every two days. But what is true?

In principle, sperm quality is better with regular intercourse. This is because the longer it has been since ejaculation, the higher the probability that "ready" sperm will become tired or fail to develop. However, the sperm count decreases with very frequent sex. The "production" simply doesn't keep up. It is therefore absolutely fine to take a day off in between. If you know your fertile time and are able to track your cycle, e.g. with femSense track, you can plan better as a couple and enjoy your moments together even more.

Mistake 3: You are living unhealthily

We have good news and bad news. The bad news first: if you want to get pregnant faster, you should give up a few things. For example, smoking, too much alcohol, too little sleep, too much junk food or too little exercise. All of these things can affect your fertility. The same also applies to your partner.

The good news as a small "consolation": Doing without it doesn't just help you get pregnant. As a couple, you are also doing something good for yourselves - and your future child. Because nothing is as important as our health!

Mistake 4: You're using the wrong personal lubricant

Personal lubricant promotes pleasure during sex. But did you know that it can hinder you from getting pregnant faster? This is because many personal lubricants have a slightly acidic pH value. Although this is good for your vaginal flora, it can restrict sperm motility. That's why you should either avoid them when you're trying to conceive or opt for brands with an optimised pH value. They create a "sperm-friendly" environment and can even help you get pregnant.

Mistake 5: You rely on strange half-knowledge about getting pregnant

Standing on your head after sex, determining sex by the timing of intercourse, taking certain herbs... There are many stories surrounding the topic of "getting pregnant faster". They are often told and recommended to friends and acquaintances because: "My neighbour / friend / hairdresser got pregnant straight away!"

The fact is that the effect of most of these recommendations is neither proven nor demonstrable. Of course you can try them out. But you shouldn't hope for miracles. The best help is still Solid knowledge of your own cycle and a healthy lifestyle if you want to get pregnant faster.

Mistake 6: You are using ovulation tests to get pregnant "incorrectly".

Ovulation tests are a practical thing. Similar to a pregnancy test, they measure the hormone levels in your urine. The stronger the "line" on the test, the more favourable the time to get pregnant.

But be careful: don't wait for the line on the ovulation test to be strong enough! Otherwise it can easily happen that you miss ovulation and the fertile period. It's best to start "practising" some time in advance - and use ovulation tests in addition to cycle tracking.

Mistake 7: You don't go to the gynaecologist regularly.

Admittedly: A visit to the doctor doesn't automatically make you more fertile. But your gynaecologist can relatively easily identify illnesses or problems in your body that could make it difficult for you to get pregnant more quickly. For example, adhesions, fibroids, hormonal disorders or similar. They can advise you or refer you to specialists. So make sure you keep your regular appointments with your gynaecologist, if only for the important check-ups!

As you can see, most of this can be avoided and realised relatively easily. Of course, getting pregnant always involves a little bit of luck. But avoiding mistakes and, above all, tracking your cycle can help you get lucky. We wish you every success!


Desire to have children - supporting fertilisation (2022)

How much sex is necessary to conceive a child (2022))

Can personal lubricant aid conception? (2022)

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