
Nutrition if you want to have children - you should pay attention to this!

A healthy diet is of course not only important if you want to have children. However, certain nutrients can have a positive effect on your fertility. And on that of your partner!

If you and your partner have decided to have a child, it is often worth taking a look at your previous diet. Because nutrition can play a part in this, whether it will work out faster with a pregnancy. Basically, a wholesome, balanced diet has a positive effect on your overall constitution and therefore automatically increases your chances of getting pregnant. Because if your body gets everything it needs, everything will normally run smoothly. This also applies to your partner.

So is it not necessary to take nutritional supplements if you want to get pregnant? The answer is yes and no. Some nutrients are particularly important for you and your future baby, especially before or during the fertile phase (and beyond). We'll tell you what they are, where they're found - and what you might want to put in your trolley next time you go shopping. We can tell you in advance: it will be colourful, varied and there will be something for everyone!

The most important nutrients for the desire to have children


Women generally have a higher iron requirement and are much more often deficient than men. This is mainly due to menstruation. In addition, the requirement is even higher during pregnancy. You should therefore make sure you have an iron-rich diet even before you start trying to conceive. This is because iron is responsible for the formation of red blood cells and the transport of oxygen, both for you and for the embryo. Easily utilisable iron is mainly found in beef, pulses, fish and eggs. Vegetables can also be rich in iron - the greener they are, the more iron they generally contain (e.g. parsley, spinach, lamb's lettuce, cabbage, rocket). Your body can absorb the iron even better if you consume drinks and food containing vitamin C at the same time, such as a freshly squeezed glass of orange juice.

Folic acid

Almost every woman who wants to get pregnant, stumbles across the vitamin "folic acid". It is one of the most important nutrients in the fertility phase. Specifically, folic acid is important for cell formation and the development of the spinal cord and brain. Too little folic acid can possibly lead to malformations in your unborn child. That's why it's worth topping up your stores properly while you're trying to conceive. Folic acid is not found in food, but is formed in the body from various forms of the B vitamin (known as folates). Folates are mainly found in raw vegetables (such as leafy greens, cabbage, broccoli, lamb's lettuce) and wholemeal products. Alternatively, your doctor can also prescribe folic acid supplements; these are generally well utilised by the body.


Zinc is a real "fertility booster" - it is essential for the production of sex hormones. A deficiency can therefore lead to cycle disorders or low sperm concentration in men. The problem is that our body cannot store zinc, so we have to take it in from outside on a permanent basis. Beef, fish and seafood are particularly rich in zinc. However, if you want to have children, it can be useful to supplement zinc. It's best to ask your doctor about this!

These "superfoods" should not be missed when trying to conceive

"Superfood" is on everyone's lips - although it is basically just a term for foods that are particularly rich in valuable nutrients. A few of these can help you prepare particularly well for an upcoming pregnancy. The most important thing, of course, is always a balanced diet and "a bit of everything"!

Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds are an excellent source of folic acid. They also contain plenty of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which can have a positive effect on your baby's development. In general, seeds and nuts are little all-rounders and should definitely be included in your diet when you are trying to conceive. For example, try salted pumpkin seeds as a snack in front of the TV!

Green smoothies

Do you like drinking a fresh smoothie for breakfast? Then why not mix in some green leafy vegetables! They provide you with important nutrients and trace elements and support cell formation and renewal. Kale also gently regulates oestrogen production, one of the most important hormones when trying to conceive.


There has been a lot of hype about avocados for a long time. But rightly so: avocados contain many unsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants. These can have a positive effect on female fertility. So you don't have to miss out on the popular wholemeal avocado toast!

You should avoid these foods if you want to have children

Of course, you can also afford the odd sin if you want to have children. After all, you shouldn't just go without! However, you should still avoid one or two foods and stimulants. On the one hand, because it can actually reduce your fertility - on the other hand, because it is generally not good for your body, or only in moderation.

Alcohol is just such a case. Realistically, it is still a neurotoxin that should definitely be taboo during pregnancy. If you want to have children, it is worth reducing your consumption. The "healthy glass of red" is often recommended, but opinions differ as to whether it really has any benefits.

Coffee junkies should also take things slowly during the fertility phase. Less coffee drink. This also applies to energy drinks or caffeinated teas (e.g. green and black tea). Caffeine can have a negative effect on a woman's fertility.

In addition, you should also Fish species avoid fish such as tuna, swordfish and halibut. This is because the concentration of heavy metals and mercury in certain fish is very high. Women who want to have children as well as pregnant women should therefore avoid them.

The right diet for your partner too

Your partner will also benefit from a healthy, wholesome diet if you want to have children. Basically, the same applies to him as to you: Eating a varied diet is the best thing he can do. Walnuts, for example, not only contain valuable fatty acids, but are also said to be able to increase the quality of sperm. The same applies to onions, dairy products, green leafy vegetables, red meat, vegetable oils, wholemeal products and eggs.

As a rule of thumb, you can make it quite simple for yourself: pretty much all the nutrients that women need when trying to conceive are also good for men - i.e. iron, folic acid and zinc. If he also stops smoking or doesn't smoke in general and ramps up his fitness programme a little, the chances of healthy and persistent sperm are really good!

As you can see, nutrition when trying to conceive is not rocket science. But a conscious look at what you and your partner eat every day can still be worthwhile. Not only because it can help you get pregnant more quickly, but also because you are giving your baby everything it needs right from the start. If you also start tracking your menstrual cycle and become more aware of Knowledge about your body you have the best prerequisites for getting pregnant faster. All we can say now is: Enjoy your meal!


Müller (2022), Iron-rich foods: 5 foods you should know about

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